Name of G-d Sha-Dai (שדי)
DescIn Kabbalah, the Name Sha-Dai, meaning "the Almighty," is primarily associated with the sefirah of Yesod, which represents the "foundation" of all existence. This Divine Name holds deep meanings and symbolism that reveal essential aspects of divine power and its relationship with creation.ripción de la publicación.
Elena Moreta
5/13/20242 min read

In Kabbalah, the Name Sha-Dai, meaning "the Almighty," is primarily associated with the sefirah of Yesod, which represents the "foundation" of all existence. This Divine Name holds deep meanings and symbolism that reveal essential aspects of divine power and its relationship with creation.
"By which He said to this world: Enough": Our sages interpret this Name as G-d's power to limit the natural tendency of Creation to expand infinitely. Sha-Dai represents the divine ability to set boundaries in creation, preventing unrestricted expansion from disrupting cosmic order.
"Hidden Miracles" vs. "Revealed Miracles": While the essential Name of G-d, Havaiá (YHVH), is associated with "revealed miracles" that openly defy natural laws, Sha-Dai is related to "hidden miracles." These are divine acts that operate within nature, altering its course from within without violating its apparent laws. This power is considered a concealed miracle, upholding the world's stability without disrupting its normal appearance.
"Divinity Sufficient for All Creatures": Another Kabbalistic interpretation of Sha-Dai is that G-d's Divinity is sufficient and accessible for each and every one of His creatures, regardless of their spiritual state or position in the hierarchy of Creation. This underscores the understanding that the divine presence is present in every aspect of the universe, from the smallest to the largest.
"Kel Sha-Dai" and the Revelation to the Patriarchs: In the Bible, we often encounter the Name "Kel (E'l) Sha-Dai," which was revealed to the patriarchs of Israel, such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This Name represents divine provision and care towards them. Moses, in his encounter with G-d before liberating Israel from Egypt, also mentions this Name. It is understood that Sha-Dai represents the promise and continuous connection between G-d and His chosen ones.
Numerical Meaning and Symbolism:
Numerical Value of "Shakai": The numerical value of "Shakai" is 314. When combined with "Kel" (numerical value of 31), we get 345, the numerical value of "Moses" (מֹשֶׁה). This symbolizes the spiritual connection between G-d and Moses, who was the designated leader to redeem the people of Israel and bring them the Torah.
At-Bash of "Shakai": In the at-bash encoding system, "Shakai" transforms into "beit, kuf, mem." These letters are the last three letters of the names of the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This suggests that G-d revealed Himself to the Patriarchs through the Name Sha-Dai, thus establishing a special bond with them and their descendants.
"Full Spelling" of "Shakai": The "full spelling" of "Shakai" has a numerical value of 814, which is equal to 314 (Shakai) plus 500. This 500 represents the commandment given to Adam on the day of his creation: "Be fruitful and multiply," related to the sefirah of Yesod. This figure is also associated with Yesod's capacity to contain the 22 powers inherent in the 22 letters of the alef-bet, symbolizing the potential for creation and procreation.
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